Holy Friday in Gallipoli
As always, according to a tradition that started during the XVII century, the Confraternita del SS. Crocifisso and the Confraternita di Santa Maria degli Angeli bring their ancient statues along the streets of Gallipoli.
Holy Friday is a very important day for each inhabitant of Gallipoli: faith and tradition together make this moment a fundamental experience for all of us.
Ophrys holoserica subsp. apulica
During our walking along the Gallipoli’s coast and mediterranean scrub ( macchia mediterranea), if the season is the right one (spring), it’s simple to find wild orchids.
This is an ophrys, found into the “Pizzo e Isola S. Andrea” natural park.
A wonderful day
It was two days before Easter 2012… A warm, calm, wonderful day to have a brief journey in the “Pizzo” natural park, in south Gallipoli.
We parked the car under a pine tree, walked for 15 minutes in a nice wood, and then arrived to the sea… It was of a thousand of colors, full of life, ready for a spectacular summer season.
On the shores, a lot of flowers, many wild orchids, with only the buzz of some bees.
What a wonderful day!
iGallipoli: our town in an app!
A great job was recently completed by Antonio, with my little help….
iGallipoli, a fantastic app that helps tourists to visit Gallipoli, is available both for iPhone/iPad and for Android.
Please go ahead and download and install it: it’s done very well, I think, and it’s useful to learn about Gallipoli and her nice monuments, churches and good restaurants and other fantastic places…
Thank you!
Piazza dei Miracoli
Pisa has been our city for four years, during our university studies. Giulia and I studied computer science at Dipartimento di Informatica, Università di Pisa.
It was a very demanding course, we spent very long hours studing math, algebra, geometry, calculus, physics, programming in a lot of different programming languages, but it was also interesting and challenging… And now we have a nice work in IT.
Viaggio in Sardegna
As we frequently travel to Sardinia, I like to find always new books that describe it.
This book illustrates in a very particular way what you can discover there, mainly in internal regions that usually are not so known by tourists.