My personal view of the world out there…
Thursday April 18th 2024




This is the fantastic application developed by ARWalkers… available both for iPhone and Android, please download and install it


Octopus vulgaris

The Octopus is one of the most intelligent inhabitants of the sea.
It’s really fun to play with it, trying to get its confidence… with a little bit of patience it’s even possible to touch it.



During Carnival, in Oristano there is a wonderful event, the Sartiglia.

And we had the opportunity to live it with our relatives… a nice day.



It’s growing, day after day… The new skyscraper of Intesa San Paolo is being built, near the station of Torino Porta Susa, and near our home.

I really hope that it will be at least beautiful, as for sure it will be a bit big and huge, and so tall to make a big shadow on one of our favorite panoramas in Torino.


Arbacia lixula

When exploring the sea, I like to find the name of all the forms of life I meet. Sometimes what I found recalls to me my childhood… aculei of sea urchins were always a danger, for my feet or hands… but if the urchin was also good to eat, no problem, we usually collected it anyway!

In this foto, the sea urchin is an arbacia lixula, so nothing to eat….




Che fai tu, luna, in ciel? dimmi, che fai,
silenziosa luna?
Sorgi la sera, e vai,
contemplando i deserti; indi ti posi.
Ancor non sei tu paga
di riandare i sempiterni calli?
Ancor non prendi a schivo, ancor sei vaga
di mirar queste valli?
Somiglia alla tua vita
la vita del pastore.
Sorge in sul primo albore
move la greggia oltre pel campo, e vede
greggi, fontane ed erbe;
poi stanco si riposa in su la sera:
altro mai non ispera.
Dimmi, o luna: a che vale
al pastor la sua vita,
la vostra vita a voi? dimmi: ove tende
questo vagar mio breve,
il tuo corso immortale?

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