My personal view of the world out there…
Tuesday February 18th 2025



Is Arutas

isarutasThe beach of Is Arutas, near Cabras, in Sardinia, is a really unique beach: its sand is  composed only of particles of quartz. It has been generated during thousands of years (after last glaciation, 10.000 years ago) from the disaggregation of quartz rocks on the “Mal di Ventre” island, that is in front of Is Arutas.

Collecting and moving away sand from this beach is prohibited. I’m very pleased that this prohibition is in force and respected, because in this way the beach is protected, and a lot of people begins to understand that our Nature has to be preserved for the future generations.

Cardium edulum

cardium_eduleI have found this nice shell at “Lido Sottovento”, Gallipoli. I like to swim with goggles, searching for life forms to observe. When I find a shell, or something else that could be collected, I bring it and maintain in my wonderful ice-cream boxes!!!

Every summer in this way I increase my collection: mainly shells, but also corals, leaves, rocks, and so on. What I can’t collect, I picture in a photo.

I think that collecting is a nice hobby, that young boys and girls don’t like in these days… but it enhance our observation attitude, our tranquillity, our ability to think before to act (shells are so fragile!). I hope my daughter will choice an hobby: for now she likes reading.


monocleSince October 2009, I have a subscription to Monocle. It’s a magazine based in London, but it collects news and article from all over the world.

It’s mainly business, fashion, well-being, travel oriented, but I like it because it give me a from-outside-of-Italy view of the world. It doesn’t contain any gossip, sport, not useful news, but it’s full of nice advices about business, suggestion about how to spend some day of vacation, where to find, on the Internet or in real life, interesting items.

Last but not least, it emanates a scent of Old England, that I like very much and make me a little less sad about not visiting London since 2005…

A sunset on Gallipoli

No words are enough… a photo is better!


all photos on this magazine are (C) Roberto Giungato

The diversity of life, by E. O. Wilson

vitaI have bought this book in the italian translation. It’s a very interesting book, as always books by Edward O. Wilson are.

I always remember the first book I read by Wilson, “Biofilia”. It was about  25 years ago: I was still living in Gallipoli;Internet wasn’t yet available, buying books was a very challenging experience. I was always dreaming to have a travel to Lecce, or Rome, to visit a big bookstore. In Gallipoli there was the “Libreria Nostradamus”; it was very small, so it was a great surprise to find this book that was listed in “Le Scienze” as a very good book. So I spent about a month reading it, very slowly and smelling its flavour page by page.

Old times… now everything is fast, some times I’m not able to read slow and thinking and retaining  every concept. But with this book “The diversity of life”  I have to force myself: switch off the computer and read, read, read!

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