Posts Tagged ‘Gallipoli’
Ophrys holoserica subsp. apulica
During our walking along the Gallipoli's coast and mediterranean scrub ( macchia mediterranea), if the season is the right one (spring), it's simple to find wild orchids. This is an ophrys, found into the "Pizzo e Isola S. Andrea" natural park.
A wonderful day
It was two days before Easter 2012... A warm, calm, wonderful day to have a brief journey in the "Pizzo" natural park, in south Gallipoli. We parked the car under a pine tree, walked for 15 minutes in a nice wood, and then arrived to the sea... It was of a thousand of colors, full of life, ready for a spectacular summer season. On the shores, a [...]
iGallipoli: our town in an app!
A great job was recently completed by Antonio, with my little help.... iGallipoli, a fantastic app that helps tourists to visit Gallipoli, is available both for iPhone/iPad and for Android. Please go ahead and download and install it: it's done very well, I think, and it's useful to learn about Gallipoli and her nice monuments, churches and good [...]