My personal view of the world out there…
Friday October 4th 2024



‘Life sciences’ Archives

Larus michahellis

Larus michahellis

This Herring Gull (Gabbiano reale in italian) was taking off from the top of the "Chiesa del Rosario o di San Domenico" in Gallipoli. One of the books I liked the most during my early years was "Jonathan Livingston Seagull", of Richard Bach. Sometimes, when I'm in Gallipoli, I like to take it from our bookshelf and read it again.

Octopus vulgaris

Octopus vulgaris

The Octopus is one of the most intelligent inhabitants of the sea. It's really fun to play with it, trying to get its confidence... with a little bit of patience it's even possible to touch it.

Arbacia lixula

Arbacia lixula

When exploring the sea, I like to find the name of all the forms of life I meet. Sometimes what I found recalls to me my childhood... aculei of sea urchins were always a danger, for my feet or hands... but if the urchin was also good to eat, no problem, we usually collected it anyway! In this foto, the sea urchin is an arbacia lixula, so [...]

Ophrys holoserica subsp. apulica

Ophrys holoserica subsp. apulica

During our walking along the Gallipoli's coast and mediterranean scrub ( macchia mediterranea), if the season is the right one (spring), it's simple to find wild orchids. This is an ophrys, found into the "Pizzo e Isola S. Andrea" natural park.

Museo di Scienze Naturali

Museo di Scienze Naturali

The "Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali" of Turin is one of our preferred places where we like to spend some hours as soon as it's possible. In the museum there are often showcases about science, history, photography, art... Young children like the "Arca", where ancient collections of animals are displayed as if they were in the Noe's arch. In [...]

Wild orchids

Wild orchids

One of our preferred hobbies is to find, observe and take photos of wild orchids. Every spring and summer, we all go in woods, meadows and wild lands to look for wild orchids. In Italy there are a lot of species of orchids, mainly in Southern Italy and in the Islands, so when we are near Gallipoli or in Sardinia a trip to take photos is [...]

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